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EBF Contacts now also for Android

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EBF Contacts now also for Android
Autor Wiadomo¶æ

Do³±czy³: 04 Lut 2025
Posty: 1

Post EBF Contacts now also for Android Odpowiedz z cytatem
The mobile address book EBF Contacts from EBF-EDV Beratung Föllmer always contains the latest information on all professional contacts and can automatically recognize callers. Until now, the app was reserved for iOS and iPadOS users, but it is now also available for Android devices.

EBF Contacts always offers users access to the latest data of their contacts.

EBF Contacts is an in-house development by IT specialist EBF-EDV Beratung Föllmer. The app makes the Global Address List, i.e. the list of all people in an organization and their contact details, available on mobile devices. This means that users have an up-to-date overview of the data of their professional contacts at any time and regardless of their internet connection - from email Peru Phone Number Database addresses, telephone numbers, the company to information about departments and supervisors. By displaying all information about the respective contact and using extensive search functions, representatives can also be found easily. If the CRM system HubSpot is connected, it is also possible to include customer data in EBF Contacts.

According to the developers, the app regularly synchronizes the current contacts from Microsoft Azure, Exchange Online, the Exchange on-premise version or HubSpot in the background and stores them locally in encrypted form. This means that users can always access the current data of their contacts. This means that these no longer have to be maintained or stored manually. Callers are automatically recognized and potential spam calls are identified.

EBF Contacts can be rolled out and managed using the UEM system. The app is available for iOS, iPadOS and Android devices in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Interested parties can be provided with a 30-day trial license if required.

cell phone number listing
Wto Lut 04, 2025 07:34 Ogl±da profil u¿ytkownika Wy¶lij prywatn± wiadomo¶æ

Wto Lut 04, 2025 07:34

Do³±czy³: 20 Wrz 2021
Posty: 484561

Post Odpowiedz z cytatem
Nie Mar 02, 2025 03:57 Ogl±da profil u¿ytkownika Wy¶lij prywatn± wiadomo¶æ

Nie Mar 02, 2025 03:57
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